The data you enter into PANTHEON is stored securely in our database in our data centre, where we ensure appropriate security measures and technical integrity.

What is UNIJA PANTHEON Roaming?

The data you enter into PANTHEON (e.g. invoices, accounting, payroll, etc.) is stored in a database, usually on a dedicated computer, called a server.

The server is always active to ensure that data is always accessible, and there are adequate security measures in place to prevent data loss, notably backups, physical and software protection.

You would normally have to take care of all the server equipment, maintenance and backups yourself. With a hosting service, these worries are eliminated, as your database is stored in our data centre, where proper security and technical uptime are ensured.

You have PANTHEON installed on your computer like a normal programme, but you connect to your database via the internet. All you need is the PANTHEON business software and a fast enough internet connection.



UNION PANTHEON Hosting allows your business data to be stored securely in our data centre. This provides you with a high level of security, reliability and accessibility of your key information.

how we can help:

Why choose UNIJA PANTHEON hosting?

Our solutions offer integration, flexibility, specialisation, agility, a superior user experience and a UMA platform.

You don't need your own dedicated server for hosting

The purpose of hosting is to give smaller companies and accountancy practices access to modern business software solutions.

Many small businesses cannot afford the investment needed to enter the world of modern business today – the costs are simply too high. As a result, many businesses are left without the right business software or choose lower quality software that does not meet their needs.

The best of both worlds

UNIJA offers the rental of high-end computer equipment and the rental of the PANTHEON business information system.

An additional advantage of hosting is that the same data (on the same server) can be accessed by your accounting or payroll administrator and a user in the company at the same time.

The hosting system is not a web application

The web hosting system should not be confused with applications that run in web browsers (e.g. Chrome or MS Edge).

Web hosting works on the SaaS (Software as a service) principle, where the user only accesses the software – PANTHEON – via the Internet. The Internet is just a data transfer path, and the software is installed in the UNIJA data centre – the user logs in and works via the Internet in PANTHEON.

The functionalities of PANTHEON remain the same and are not limited in any way – the only change is that in the classic mode the user enters data into PANTHEON installed on his/her own computer, while in the hosting system the user enters data into PANTHEON via the Internet and the database is stored in the UNIJA data centre.

Safety and reliability

Data security is crucial for a successful business – lost or stolen data can mean lost profits, lawsuits from customers or even the end of a company. This is why UNIJA – PANTHEON Hosting users enjoy the highest level of protection and security when working with data.

The data centre where the data is stored is properly secured, uses state-of-the-art firewalls and data encryption, and only duly authorised personnel have access to the data servers. This ensures that our users have adequate security and discretion at work.

Data standards and encryption

User data is held in secure data centres that are certified to international security standards.

This includes both protection against data theft or destruction by hackers (firewalls, use of encryption protocol, etc.) and protection against disasters (earthquake, fire, etc.).

E-archive and backups

Valuable company data is often the victim of “force majeure” disasters (the most common cause of data loss is lightning).

Such accidents can be prevented by regular archiving and backups. This is the reason why the UNIJA PANTHEON hosting provider also takes care of this part of data security.